Daily words

Your time to be in love again with the right person will come. I know waiting can be tiring at times.  I know waiting can sometimes send doubtful thoughts through your mind trying to discourage you while you practice patience. The right person will come into your life when it is meant to and not a moment sooner The best thing you can do until that day comes is prepare yourself for that person.  Completely heal yourself of old wounds so you will not be punishing your future partner for what your last partner did. Understand that even the greatest relationships are not born overnight, they are developed by consistent commitment to each other 

What if I told you that the person who hurt you years ago, has already moved on with their life? What if I told you that the only reason why you can’t produce fruitful relationships with anyone is because you are still invisibly chained to someone who isn’t in your life anymore? . Some of you have given so much power to the people in your past, You can’t even see how badly it has affected you. Do you have a right to feel betrayed? . Of course you do. Do you have a right to feel like they took advantage of you? . Absolutely. Are you entitled to grieve about it and cry for a little

At the end of the day, you just want someone who you can build a life with. Someone who supports you not just when the sun is out but when it rains as well. The older you get, the more you end up looking for more solid things to have in your next relationship. You want someone who you can take road trips with to new states, so you both can get lost in making new memories together. You want someone responsible who you can raise children with that can help you pass on certain values and lessons. You want someone who you can talk to in the middle of the night when your doubts seem to get the best of you. 

It’s not about finding someone who looks better than your ex. It’s not about finding someone who drives something better than your ex because things like that are irrelevant.. The question is, does this new person you’re deciding to be with make you feel better as an individual than the last person did? . Do they listen to understand or are they just listening to reply?.Do they care about you spiritually and want to join your journey together no matter what? Do they understand the concept of “Giving” better than most people who just want to take from your life? If all the answers are YES, I think you know what to do. 

Dear God, Please reveal to me slowly YOUR vision for my life. Please don’t allow me to get swayed by people who only have an earthly vision and not YOUR vision. Guide me where you want me to be God. Guide me to be effective and influential in whatever direction you are sending me. Guide me to serve EMPATHY to those who are empty. Guide me to be a blessing God. Guide me to fulfill the purpose you have over my life. In Jesus Name, ”Amen”

Pride is really rooted in fear. In stems from the grip of not wanting to let go of control, and convincing ourselves that “it’s all good” and we know it all.  And when we’re full of both pride and fear, we can run the risk of becoming prejudice to what God is trying to do in our lives. I want to clarify that no one person on this planet is perfect, but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t chase after the perfect will of GOD for our lives. Our bodies crave confidence because in the spirit there is a NEED for the ability to waistband. To hold on and look beyond the test of time. FLESH SPIRIT and when we’re not confident in ourselves through the Holy Spirit// we won’t combat and rip apart what needs to be dissected in the heavenliest.  Please understand that you’re not full of yourself because you have confidence. It takes audacity to be a person who doesn’t follow Christ and assume you’ve got it made. He is the One that holds the world in His hands, so while you’re strutting your stuff be careful lest you fall. No man can stand against Yahweh. But once again, no person can also block and prevent what He wants to do with you.  Rise up and Shine. Be humble enough to fully accept what the LORD is doing in your life at this moment. Shift your thinking according to ROM. 12:2.  It’s like waking up on a rainy sunny day. We can either praise God for the sunshine or wallow and complain about dreary weather.  Where we set our focus is what will be produced. Are you focused on doing things your way or doing things God’s way in how He wants to do it?  There’s too little time to waste. Be bold, yet gentle. Soft yet strong. ABBA is piecing things together. And it’s going to be something great. In Jesus Name. 1 COR. 10:12, PROV. 18:2

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