Best Tips on How to Win a Girl Heart 

Approaching a lady you really like can be challenging. Many men struggle with this moment a lot. Are there tips that could help you improve your performance? Let’s break down the whole process of wooing the lady into stages and see what we can do!
How to woo a girl step by step:

Where does courting start? Does it start at the bar or some other place where you meet the girl? No, it starts while you are alone at home. How’s that? Take a look!

 Getting tuned up!

Women are sensitive creatures. Most of them possess some measure of empathy and can see right through you. This means if you are afraid or overly nervous approaching them, they can feel it. And since most girls like confident men, you get a huge disadvantage.
So, even before you go out to meet women, you need to create the right mindset. What should it be? The little nerve is Ok, but too much is no good. Boost your self-confidence. Remember that we all are humans and none of us is perfect. She may look hot, but she is not perfect. She wants to be understood, and she craves love. So, there is that vulnerability inside her.
Most guys fail to court ladies just because they get too focused on themselves: on their looks, coolness, etc. What they fail to see is the woman they interact with. She has needs, too. She also feels insecure and maybe even lonely. If you can understand that and help her feel better, you can win her!

 Be courteous

Once you two go on a date, be the best version of you. Hold the door for her. Move up her chair. Get her coat. All these things may seem old-fashioned or outdated in our modern and feminized community, but they work!

 Make yourself available

This helps her to feel safer and more secure. How do you do that? Give her a call once in a while. Text her time to time. Do it several times a day. Contact her on social media, like her posts and write her a comment. This clearly shows your interest in her and makes you available for communication. Chase her, women like that, but do not cross then line and do not stalk her!

 Pay for the dates

Not her, of course. Pay the bills during the dates. Some girls like to split them, but it’s nice when the man pays. The only thing you get for free is the cheese in a mousetrap. Dating is and should be costly! No complaints about that, guys. After all, it would cost you even more, if you marry her! So, get ready.

Don’t worry, be happy

Stay positive. Some guys become moody or take dates for the free therapy sessions. That woman is not there to hear about all your troubles in life! She is out to have fun and relax. She might have a bundle of her own issues, and she is looking for someone to cheer her up. So, leave your misery at home and get some fun.

Turn off your phone

Gadgets are excellent, but there is nothing more annoying than a date, who always is checking their phone, emails or chatting with friends online. That’s bad. Turn the phone off. You can even do it in front of her to show: she is special to you, and you will focus all your attention on her.

 Bring flowers or gifts

Some guys complain about women not being really appreciative of their efforts. The only reason that happens is because guys are not paying attention. They get it all wrong. If you have been few times out with that woman, you should know what flowers or colors she likes and what her hobbies are.
Go online. Browse through her profiles there. Most of the time you can get accurate info on her from her posts or shares. If the woman likes yellow roses, they would be all over her profiles! If she has a hobby, such as crafting or yoga, you would see that, too. So, when you pick your little presents, you can make them perfect by tuning them up to what she likes.

 Offer your help

Single women have to deal with some things in life, where they need male help. She may require you to fix something at her place; to put up a picture on the wall, for instance. This is all part of wooing. Or, just offer her to go and do grocery shopping with her. Carry her heavy bags, make yourself useful. That’s so sweet!

Always Listen to her!

That’s a big one. Women love to talk and share their feelings and experiences. Listening to her costs you nothing! It’s the cheapest and most efficient way to show her you care. Why not use it?

 Keep your sexual desires down

Yeah, that’s hard. She is so hot, and you want her, but… Courting is not about sex. If that’s all you are interested in, see if she responds to that. If the girl is after lengthy relationship and you are after quick sex, be honest with her. Possibly all you need is to move on to the next girl!
But if you love her, put sex aside for the time being. Focus on her personality instead of her body. Get to know her better. Ask questions and listen to her answers. Spend quality time with her and get fun dates. Do something together. Like, offer her to go to a cooking class, where you two can interact, talk and have fun.

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